Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The gift of some :)

"Push Gift" - I had never heard of such a thing...but I am sure glad I did :)
Defnition: a present a new parent gives a new mother when she gives birth to their child.
A client brought it up one day and asked me what I was wanting for my push present...ummmm, apparently this is a tradition that I almost let slip by the wayside...good thing I was informed :) I came home that night and told Nate, and I am pretty sure that he thought I was making it up. Now why in the world would I make something like that up.... :) weird... Good thing I have a super sweet husband who loves me and tries really hard to make me the way, he does an excellent job, and when it came to surprising me with a gift, he sure blew it out of the water!! I was expecting flowers and instead i got this...

And in return I got him this... (He's been dying for this watch)

AND the BeSt gift that we both could ever recieve...of course...


Adria said...

could he be any sweeter? Seriously! Look at him all comfy/cozy in that blue blanket! So adorable:)

Anonymous said...

Very adorable Tashina...Push presents are very well known here back east it is a Jewish thing! It was the first thing I was asked even before what are you having a boy or a girl! It's a big deal! I like your new blog you set it up really cute!

easy learn computer said...

wow hard scadule.... keep the spirit..

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