Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Talk about CrAzY!

It's official! Im losing my mind! My sista' in laws and I, along with some close friends, are participating in a triathlon! Not just any triathlon, but the Las Vegas SPRINT traithlon that will take place in Nevada April 12th! It consists of 1mile swim,10mile bike, and then a 4mile sprint! Training is brutal, but i know that in the end it will pay off! But wait, theres more! I have a friend that is unfortunately not going to be able to go with us on our long journey to Vegas, so she asked me if I would want to sign up for a triathlon here in AZ march 22nd which is the Lake Havasu Sprint Triathlon, and of course I said yes! So I am now currently training 3-31/2 hours in the gym every morning (both with and w/out a personal trainer) trying to imagine myself getting through these next couple of months! Wish me luck! I'll keep ya posted! If anyone thinks that they are crazy enough to join, please do! its going to be a great adventure, the more...the merrier!


Karisa & Tyler said...

Hey Tashina!
I just stumbled across you blog! How exciting to do a tri! I've only done one as part of a relay team, but the environment is addicting. You'll absolutely love it! Don't worry, you'll finish it too! :) I'd love to join ya, but I don't know if it would work out with school! Hope to talk to ya' soon!
-Karisa :)
PS- I think your hair is styled so stinkin' cute in your Christmas pics! ;)

The Bottjer Family said...

Good luck on the tri! They're super fun. I have done a few.... hard work to train for, but fun! I would join you, but I'm still getting back into the swing of exercising since having Landon and I'm not quite ready for that undertaking quite yet. =)